Nick Derry

   Born in England in 1982, Nick has been passionate about nature and especially birds since his childhood, producing his first field sketchbook at the age of 14. Since 2006 he has lived in Besançon, France and the Ognon Valley has become his playground for birdwatching.

   Nick divides his time between observing and drawing nature in the field and then taking these ideas to create more considered images in the studio. His approach to picture making is neither sacred nor pure and everything is allowed to produce his art that can see a mix of watercolour, pencil, ink acrylic and collage.

   Elected member of the Society of Wildlife Artists in London in 2009, Nick has received several prizes for his art. He has participated in several art projects, notably around the Dead Sea with the Artists for Nature Foundation in 2017. He contributes regularly as an illustrator to the Revue Salamandre.

   He hopes his work evokes the marvels of nature and that it may encourage others to explore this natural beauty.




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